Life and Death and Knowledge


You have only these hours and days.


When you accept them,
you have no need of
afterlives or prior lives.
You have the single empty box
of a life and all the universe
to fill it with.


Live like this: there is an end to you.
Don’t fear it. Don’t wallow.
Flowers wilt. Rivers dry up.
Even the stars extinguish themselves.
Have your time and then let it go.


Do not shy from your ending
with mad horse eyes.


Allow the box of your life,
when you have filled it,
to have its spaces.
Resist the temptation
to stuff the gaps with gods
who do not know you.


Pull uncertainty into your arms
and kiss her lips;
too many neglect her,
but she is an eager lover,
and desires only your attention.
Let her teach you how to say
“I don’t know and that is beautiful”


You have only these minutes and years.

This poem was originally published under the pen name Gabriel Gadfly.
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